Thursday, September 1, 2011


This week, I really enjoyed doing the Abandon Ship activity. It was really interesting to see how my classmates chose to pick people to kick off the boat.  I was an observer, which I really liked.  Some of the things my classmates said were just straight down to the point and I agreed and disagreed with some of their decisions.  One of the first things said was, "the drug dealer needs to go" which I agreed with.  Because as Americans we value our positions in life, like jobs.  And this guy was a drug dealer for a living which was unacceptable to the people on the boat.  Another thing I noticed was that everyone was going against the old people.  To kick them off the boat.  If I was on the boat, I would of kept the old people.  They have a huge family and I couldn't imagine how upset their family would have been.  But our class is young, so being young we value our youth and the potential that the young people will bring to the world. As Americans we do value family, but only to a certain point. As a class we did value family when it came down to the football player and cheer leading pregnant wife that we decided to keep on the boat.  Overall, I noticed that Americans are selfish people.  Everyone was secretly looking out for themselves, weather it was not talking much or automatically picking others to kick off the boat.  I learned just from this activity that Americans value a lot of things in life, including, youth, education, usefulness, health, patriotism, morality, control, and individuality. I was able to tell all of this just by the people the class chose to keep on the boat. 

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