Sunday, November 13, 2011

Your Coffee Is On Me :)

I really wanted to do something out of the box for my positive act of deviance.  I really wanted to make an impact on somebody's day and make it better for them.  But to be honest, I could not think of anything super original and I just did not have the time to come up with something really cool.  So, as original as it is, I bought the person who was behind me in line their coffee at Starbucks.  When I walked in I was actually really nervous.  I am an extremely friendly person, but not always to random people in stores.  I was worrying that maybe someone would not walk in after me, so I would not be able to buy them their coffee.  Luckily I walked in, and told the cashier that I wanted a Tall Skinny Vanilla Latte.  And right as I was  about to pay, an older lady came in line behind me, who i'm guessing was about fifty years old.  I told her, hey what are you going to get?  Your coffee will be on me!  She was so confused and asked if I was talking to her.  I told her yes with a smile on my face, don't worry I got you.  I gave the cashier $12 and told her the lady's coffee was on me and to keep the change for herself.  I then smiled at the lady and walked over to the other counter.  I got my drink, and told the lady to have an amazing day!  The lady said thank you to me a couple of times and said I was such a sweet girl.  As I was walking to my car, I could not stop smiling. It felt so good to do something out of the ordinary for someone, and I could tell the lady was shocked but she had a smile on her face and was really nice.  I know it was a small act, but I really hope it made a great start to her day.  And  even though if it is a small thing, maybe she will "pay it forward" and the chain of random acts of positive deviance will continue on and make everyone's day just a little bit better.  This act of kindness is not a norm in our society.  It is very rare to pay for someone else's purchase, especially that of a stranger.  I would love for this to happen to me, not because I would not to pay for something, but because it is something so unexpected and just a nice thing to do.  I think our society needs to think about that, that little things make a huge difference in someone's day.  Just saying Hi to random people in a store or street can make someone's day that much better.  

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